Contrata tu seguro de cancelación aquí / Para más información [email protected]

Terms and Conditions is an Internet domain and is a registered trademark of Latas Surf House S.L, with CIF B39760715, located at Calle Arna 131(Latas) Somo, Cantabria and telephone: 627366418. LATAS SURF HOUSE S.L, has the necessary permits and licenses for the exercise of the activities of accommodation, sports and services.

LATAS SURF HOUSE S.L, has the necessary permits and licenses for the exercise of the activities of accommodation, sports and services. The company is registered in the Tourism Registry of Cantabria with tourist registration G.101149 and G. 8428. This title-license guarantees all our clients that our company has contracted the relevant civil liability insurance that would allow it to face the responsibilities derived from any of our services.

1 Definitions and scope

The terms of the contract must be understood in accordance with the following definitions:

Latas Surf and Latas Surf House”: Trademark registered by Carlos Rodríguez García that acts as Accommodation, active tourism and Hospitality.

  • “Client”: Client shall be understood as the person who reserves one or more services offered on our website.
  • “Services”: Service is understood as any provision offered by on its website, such as accommodation reservations, surf courses, material rental and others.
  • “Website”: The website is understood.
  • “Service Provider”: Refers to service providers such as tour operators. queda facultado para modificar las presentes Condiciones Generales en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso, no obstante, estos cambios no afectarán a las reservas que is empowered to modify these General Conditions at any time and without prior notice, however, these changes will not affect the reservations that has accepted prior to the modification. For this reason, the client is recommended to read, save and print a copy of these General Conditions when formalizing their reservation.

2. Legal capacity to contract

The user declares that he is of legal age (over 18 years of age) and that he has the necessary legal capacity to contract the services offered by, stating that he accepts the binding of this agreement and fully understands and accepts the conditions here announced for the use of the website and the services offered.
In case of contracting by minors, the authorization of the parents or legal guardians will be required in order to proceed with the reservation of the services offered. is not responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data completed by the user and, therefore, cannot verify their age.

3. Knowledge and express acceptance of the conditions

Hiring a service offered by Latas Surf implies knowledge and express acceptance of these General Conditions. Likewise, the contracting of a specific tourist service offered by the tour operator of combined trips that have collaboration agreements with implies the explicit acceptance of the particular conditions and contracting policies of Latas Surf.

The contracting of an accommodation, surf class or material rental, whatever the class and service contracted, implies the express acceptance of the particular policies and conditions that can surf establishes. In particular, the client agrees to be subject to the internal rules and protocols established by the company, especially in everything related to rules of conduct, right of admission, hygiene, safety and good coexistence between guests and/or users.

4. Formalization of reservations

4.1. Process

When the user makes a reservation through the contact form on the website, via email, or through our reservation system, the reservation will be in pending status and will not be confirmed until make the corresponding deposit or full payment within a maximum period of 48 business hours. In case of not doing it within the mentioned period, reserves the right to cancel the client’s reservation.

For the convenience of the client and, the payment will be the total of the reservation, but in the event that the client does not want to or cannot make the total payment, he may advance 20% of the total reservation within 24 business hours after making the reservation and 1 week before the arrival date, the rest of the amount will be paid. In the case of last-minute reservations that include accommodation, this payment and deposit cannot be made, therefore, the entire amount must be paid within 24 business hours.

For the firm confirmation of reservations considered ‘Group Reservations’, it will be necessary to pay 20% of the total amount of the reservation during a maximum period of 48 business hours after the blocking of places and the other 80% must be paid 15 days before of the arrival of the group to Latas surf.

In order to formalize the reservation and for the client to be able to enjoy the contracted services, full payment for said services will be necessary one week before the start of the trip (in the case of partial payment). In case part of the price is pending payment, one week before the start of the trip (in case of partial payment), reserves the right to cancel the client’s reservation without the reimbursement of the amounts paid by the client. client.

The fact of requesting an accommodation reservation implies the subsequent acceptance of the charge of the amount in the means of payment selected by the client.

The client must pay for their reservation by bank transfer to, which reserves the right to suspend the processing and confirmation of the reservation until it can verify that the amount transferred has been effectively deposited in the bank account owned by

4.2. Confirmation of the reservation of place and document that formalizes the contract

The confirmation of a reservation will be sent by to the client through a voucher (voucher) of confirmation of services to the client by means of email in which the essential elements of the contracted service will appear, such as the data of the client and companions, contracted products, the price, the date of enjoyment of the service and the payment conditions. This voucher must be presented at the entrance of the contracted accommodation or surf course in order to make use of the contracted services. In the event that the client does not receive their service confirmation voucher, it is recommended that the client contact us by email or call the office number.

However, the client may be asked for their credit card number, which will operate as a guarantee for eventual payment of services consumed in the accommodation or possible damage caused to it.

The client, upon returning from his trip, may request the remittance of the invoice accrediting the services provided by For organizational reasons, to request the invoice it will be essential for the client to wait to return from the contracted trip and request their invoice by email [email protected]

4.3. Document file

Latas Surf House S.L informs you that the contract signed between the parties will be filed in the company’s data storage systems and that it will not be accessible by the user unless the user expressly dictates it by email.

4.4. Customer Communications

The client expressly accepts that the communications made by are made through the email indicated by the client. In case of detecting any incident related to a client’s reservation, will contact the client through the email indicated by the latter.

In case of not being able to contact the client by the aforementioned means, will try to contact the client by telephone. However, if the telephone route is unsuccessful, the client expressly accepts to be notified of any eventuality by sending, by, the email in which such circumstance is reported.

5. Data accuracy and privacy policy

The user, in order to contract the different services offered by on its website, declares that all the information provided at the time of making the reservation is true, complete and accurate. The client who formalizes a reservation expressly authorizes to proceed to include in an automated file of private ownership the personal data that appears in the fields of the form for the adequate provision of its services. The holder of the reservation must correctly enter the data as it appears on their ID or passport. The reservation is assigned to a single owner, therefore, the data indicated in the ‘name’ field must correspond in its entirety to the customer who is the owner of the reservation, and not to the data of other travellers. is not responsible for the problems that could be generated by the omission or falsification of data.

The client will be responsible for providing the information related to their reservation truthfully, taking into account that all the data included in the reservation must remain valid at the time of the start of the stay or contracted services. Where appropriate, the client must take special care in determining the age of minor children included in their reservation, since it must be considered at the start date of the stay or contracted service (surf course) and not at the time of formalizing the reservation.

The client has the obligation to go to the provision of contracted services provided with the legal documents that duly prove their identity and that of all the members of the reservation. The reservations made by the different tour operators will be responsible for the failure to present the required documentation and the consequences that this may entail.

All data provided by the client will be treated in accordance with the provisions of our privacy policypolítica de privacidad

6. Cancellation policy and modifications is concerned with establishing a clear and understandable modification and cancellation policy so that the client can know exactly the consequences of a possible modification and/or cancellation of their reservation. Despite the right of withdrawal not proceeding in the acquisition of accommodation services other than those intended for housing in accordance with the provisions of article 103 of the Law of Consumers and Users, the client will have the right to modify and/or cancel his reservation, both faculties being subject to the provisions of these General Conditions of Contract and the provisions of the Particular Conditions of each offer. The commercial operation of entails administrative management, personnel, computer platform and similar expenses that are necessary to process the reservations of our clients. These expenses, although always existing, must only be paid in the event that the client decides to modify or cancel their reservation.

6.1. Management fees applicable to reservations

As indicated above, incurs certain management costs that the client must pay if they want to modify or cancel their reservation. The amount of the aforementioned expenses is summarized below:

a) Reservations for an amount of up to 600 euros: They entail a management fee of 30 euros.
b) Reservations for an amount greater than 600 euros: They entail a management fee of 5% of the total amount of the reservation.

6.2. Modifications in the reservation

Any modification of a reservation formalized by the client will entail fixed costs of 10 euros and is subject to the availability of the accommodation to welcome the guest on dates other than those selected at first.

Reservation modifications may generate modification costs established in accordance with the possible variations of rates and costs applicable to a certain period, these expenses will be determined at the time prior to cancellation in accordance with the type of modification that the client wishes to make. . This being so, the client will be able to know, before proceeding with the modification of his reservation, the existence and amount of the modification expenses that will be charged by Latas surf.

In order to know the exact modification costs mentioned, the user should go to the reservations department of through the contact section of the website, these requests being attended to during the customer service hours exposed on our page. Web.

In the event that it is the organizer of the trip (tour operator) who is forced to significantly modify any essential element of the reservation, said modification will be immediately brought to the attention of Latas Surf. In the event of an essential modification of the trip, the provisions of clause 9.b) of these general contracting conditions will be followed.

The client is obliged to pay the management and/or modification costs mentioned in previous paragraphs, if they exist. Failure to comply with this obligation entitles to cancel the reservation without the reimbursement of the amounts paid by the client.

In the event that it is a repeating client who makes a reservation for a service offered by,, reserves the right to revise the prices (both upwards and downwards) in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. . The price review may only be applied to incorporate possible price variations related to improvements made to the accommodation and certain services.

6.3. Booking cancellation
In accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, at any time the consumer may desist from the requested services. or contracted having the right to the return of the amounts that they had paid, but must compensate, in the amounts specified below:

6.3.1. Sale of only accommodation and/or extra services ‘surf courses, equipment rental, transfers, meals…’

The client may withdraw from the contract and cancel their reservation by using the contact section enabled on the website, and must pay the costs of returning the service specified below:

a) The management expenses specified in clause 7.1 of these General Contract Conditions. b) Los management expenses The cancellation fees that will be charged in relation to the cancellation of the reservation. The client will be able to know, always before canceling his reservation, the exact amount that the service provider charges for the cancellation of the reservation. To know the cancellation conditions of each reservation, the client must contact the Reservations Department of through the contact section enabled for this purpose on the website

6.4. Provisions applicable to the modification and cancellation of reservations.
The modification and/or cancellation of a reservation must be made through the use of the contact section enabled for this purpose on the website To speed up the procedures, it is recommended to call the customer service number +34 627 36 64 18 to communicate To proceed with the definitive cancellation of a reservation, it will be essential that the client confirms in writing his/her wish to cancel the reservation, and accepts the cancellation conditions. If the written confirmation is not produced, the reservation will remain in the terms in which it was concluded in the first instance.

6.5. Non-presentation of the client in the accommodation.

In the event that the client does not show up at the accommodation on the contracted entry date, 100% of the amount of the reservation will be charged.

In the event that the client foresees a delay in his arrival at the accommodation, he must notify so that the pertinent steps can be taken in relation to the maintenance of his reservation.

6.6. Early departure from the accommodation.

In the event that the client decides to leave the contracted accommodation before the completion of his reservation, or to end the contracted trip before its conclusion, we inform him that this entails a cost of 100% of the amount of the reservation.

7. Reimbursement of amounts
In the event that a refund corresponds to the client once the deductions mentioned in the previous clause have been made, will pay the amount due. The client must take into account that the reimbursement of the amounts may take a few days, a period that in no case will exceed 14 days.

If the client made the payment of his reservation by bank transfer, will require him, to the same email address from which the reservation was formalized, so that the client proceeds to set the account number to which the payment must be made. reimbursement of amounts paid, must be the same account number.

8. Modification or cancellation by Latas

a) For accommodation services and other services “surf courses, equipment rental, food services, transfer…”

In case of impossibility of providing the service, for example, due to overbooking of the accommodation or closure of the same, among others, LATAS SURF reserves the right to offer the client an accommodation of the same or higher category than the one he had contracted. If the consumer and user does not accept said change, the contract will be terminated and LATAS SURF will reimburse the amounts that the client would have paid.

9. Prices and Taxes

If nothing is said to the contrary, the prices shown in the offers visible to the customer are the final prices per person (VAT included) that the user must pay to LATAS SURF. However, the local authorities of certain Autonomous Communities and certain countries may levy additional tourist taxes that must be paid in the place where the trip takes place.

The offers displayed on the website will indicate all the concepts included in the reservation, therefore, any other service not detailed in the offer will be understood as not included and will not form part of the contract. Unless the offers expressly indicate otherwise, any “extra” or additional service offered by Latas Surf will not be included in the contract and, where appropriate, will be the exclusive responsibility of the client.

Likewise, we remind the client that the offers, unless expressly indicated otherwise, do not include the processing and obtaining of visas or legal documents necessary to travel, nor do they include possible vaccines or vaccination certificates that may be necessary for the trip.

LATAS SURF may decline any type of contractual responsibility in the event of typographical or numerical errors in its offers that suppose a manifest and evident error that could not go unnoticed by the average user. This exoneration of responsibility will only operate on those errors in respect of which LATAS SURF would have proceeded with the diligence and immediacy required for its correction, communicating such situation to the client quickly and reimbursing, where appropriate, the amounts that would have been paid by the same.

10. Right of assignment of reservation

The traveler may assign the combined travel contract to a person who meets all the conditions applicable to the contract. The assignor of the contract and the assignee will be jointly and severally liable for the amount pending payment as well as for any commission, surcharge or other additional costs derived from the assignment.

Said assignment must be notified to Latas Surf in writing at least 7 days before the start date of the trip through the contact form enabled on our website.

11. Customer Responsibilities

Without prejudice to the other responsibilities established in these general contracting conditions, the client is reminded that, in order to guarantee the correct development of the contracted trip, the following must be taken into account:

a) Communicate any type of incident or breach of contract

With the aim of being able to solve any incident that occurred during the course of your stay at Latas Surf, we remind the consumer or user that the complaints, incidents or claims that are made must be recorded at the place of destination (in situ) in order that these can be resolved in the shortest period of time possible.

b) Have the necessary documentation and in order for the development of the trip

All travelers who are part of the contracted reservation (including children and minors) must carry with them, and keep in order and in force, their personal and family documentation that corresponds and is necessary for entry and stay in the Spanish State.

We remind the client that in the event that the granting of a certain visa is rejected by any competent authority, or entry to a certain country is not allowed due to the non-presentation of the necessary legal documentation, Latas Surf will not assume any type of responsibility, as we remember that it is the client who must ensure the necessary legal requirements (visas, permits or certificates, among others) for entry and permanence in the Spanish State. Failure to comply with these recommendations and obligations will determine that the client is solely responsible for the costs, expenses and damages that may be caused, including the fact of not being able to enjoy the contracted trip.

12. Proof of identity and possible fraud

In order to guarantee the correct development of the contracted reservations, reserves the right to request its clients to send a photocopy of their national identity document or any other document that irrefutably proves their identity. In the event that the client or his companions do not provide the aforementioned information, Latas surf will be in a position to cancel the affected reservations, returning the amounts paid to the client.

In the event that Latas Surf detects signs of possible fraud in the making of reservations, it will carry out as many investigations as it deems appropriate and reserves the right to cancel the affected reservations. All this without prejudice to the return of the amounts paid by the client.

The cancellations of the reservations referred to in the previous paragraphs will be communicated to the clients by sending an email and/or telephone call to the addresses and numbers that the client has provided to Latas Surf. The company is not responsible for the non-observance that the client may make of the contact channels provided.

13. Use of the website and content

This website is intended solely and exclusively for the personal use of users. Its modification, reproduction, duplication, copying, distribution, sale, resale and any other form of exploitation, whether for commercial purposes or not, is prohibited. The customer agrees not to use this website for illegal or prohibited purposes.In particular, the user of the website accepts that he can only use the website for himself and that the products or services acquired through the website will be destined for his own use or consumption or that of the people on behalf of whom he is legally authorized. to act and contract. The user will not resell the products or services acquired through the website to other people.

14. Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents, brands, logos, drawings, designs, etc. that appear on the Latas Surf website are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights and are expressly reserved for Latas Surf or, where appropriate, for people individuals or legal entities that appear as authors or owners of the aforementioned rights. The violation of the above rights will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
Any use of the content of this website is strictly prohibited, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, subsequent publication, exhibition or total or partial representation of the same, for uses other than legitimate information or contracting of the users of the services offered. Likewise, any kind of use of the images contained on the Latas Surf website outside of the aforementioned website without the express consent of Latas Surf or its suppliers is strictly prohibited.

15. Use of photographs and illustrations

Latas Surf does everything possible so that the photographs and illustrations shown on its website correspond to reality and offer a visual representation of the services it sells. The purpose of including these images is to be able to offer the client a more detailed impression of the contracted services. However, these photographs should not be considered as an exact statement of the services but as a merely indicative parameter of the same.

16. Meals

If the meals are part of the accommodation package and the client cannot or does not want to consume them for reasons attributable to him, no refund of the amounts related to said meals will be made.

17. References to room capacity and the like

Latas Surf informs you that the capacity of the accommodation offered to the client must be understood as the number of people determined to spend the night in a specific room or apartment. Therefore, when referring to a single, double, triple, quadruple, quintuple or similar room, shared room or apartment, it should be understood that said accommodation can accommodate one, two, three, four or five people, respectively. The inclusion of extra beds for the configuration of a certain type of room is carried out, in accordance with the above, with the express consent of the clients.

The distribution of the rooms, apartments or similar are subject to the availability of the establishment in question. In this way, the capacity of the rooms can be completed with single beds, double beds, bunk beds, extra beds, sofa beds or similar. Shared rooms will be organized according to the availability of Latas Surf.

18. Claims management and prescription of actions

For the management of claims, the client must go to the reservations department sending their complaints/claims through the contact section that you will find on the website.

19. Disclaimer for service outages or website malfunctions is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that could cause, by way of example: possible errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the web portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious programs, despite of having adopted all the technological measures aimed at its prevention, elimination and/or mitigation in accordance with the current state of science and technology.

20. Liability for external links

In the event that links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites are available on the web portal, will not exercise any type of control over said sites and content. In no case will assume any responsibility for the contents of the links, nor will it guarantee their technical availability, quality, reliability or accuracy.

Similarly, the inclusion of these external connections will not necessarily imply any type of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.

21. Jurisdiction

Any possible disputes that may arise from the interpretation and/or fulfillment of this contract will be dealt with by the courts and tribunals of the consumer’s domicile when the consumer actually has the status of “consumer”. If any clause included in these general conditions is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, said affectation will not be extended to the other clauses of the contract that are not considered null. Therefore, the contract will remain in force excluding the clauses affected by nullity or ineffectiveness.

22. Suggestions

At Latas Surf we care about the quality of our services and the comfort of our customers, which is why we have set up a contact section on our website so that customers can send us their suggestions to improve our services.

We help you with your reservation